Tobacco Smoke, Ventilation, ~ and Indoor Air Quality

Cigarette smoking has been found to be causally related to cancer, cardiovascular disease, and pulmonary disease . gased upon a 1,078,894 person prospective epidemiological study covering 25 states, statistically aignificant doike-response relstionehips between exposure to tobacco smoke and loss of life expectancy have been calculated .1 These date indicate that a 30-year-old male who smokes between 1 and 9 cigarettes per day (light smoking) suffers an average 4 .6-year loas of life expectancy, compared with an 8 .1-year losa for smokere of more than 40 cigarettes per day (heavy stoking) . Thus, although the exposure in light smoking is less than 25% of that in heavy smoking, the risk for light smoking is more than 50X, implying that the dose-rasponse curve for morbidity and mortality may be very steep .
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