The use of the latex agglutination reaction for the diagnosis of a Brucella infection

: The authors have developed the optimum conditions for the preparation of antigenic diagnosticum based on latex manufactured in the USSR. To sensitize latex with the diameter of microspheres equal to 0.83 microns, Brucella polysaccharide was used in a dose of 100 micrograms/ml. As stabilizer, polyvinylpyrrolidone at a concentration of 0.1% was used. The specificity and sensitivity of the diagnosticum were studied in analysis of serum samples taken from 102 healthy donors and patients with infectious diseases of nonbrucellar etiology and from 120 patients with different forms of brucellosis. The specificity of the diagnosticum was found to be 94.1% and its sensitivity, 77.5%. Comparative study of the latex agglutination test with other serological tests showed that the former test is highly effective both in acute and chronic forms of the disease. A high degree of correlation between the agglutination test, Coombs' test, the passive hemagglutination test and the latex agglutination test was established (r = 0.83, 0.72 and 0.62, respectively).
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