Qualidade de vida de mulheres portadoras do HIV Quality of life of HIV seropositive women

Objective: Analyze the quality of life of HIV seropositive women. Methods: Cross-sectional study including 40 women selected through non-probabilistic sampling. The questionnaire WHOQOL-HIV bref was the research instrument employed, considering the six domains of the instrument and socio-demographic and clinical aspects. Data analysis was performed using the KolmogorovSmirnov test to analyze the normality of sampling average distributions, and the Mann-Whitney and KruskalWallis tests to analyze the difference between averages or medians of the scores for quality of life. The Spearman coefficient was used for potential correlations. Results: According to the questionnaire, the Spirituality domain (average=59.5) reported the highest score, while the Environment domain (average=52.1) scored lowest. The average age was 41 years old; 97.5% declared themselves to be heterosexual; and 80.0% used antiretroviral treatment. Conclusion: Spirituality was the best-performing domain, followed by the Physical domain. The lowest average scores were observed for the Environment and Social Relations domains. Descritores HIV; Infeccoes por HIV; Qualidade de vida; Questionarios; Mulheres
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