Evaluation of polymer-based granular formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis against larval Aedes aegypti in the laboratory.

A strategy to increase residual activity of Bacillus thuringiensis serovar. israelensis (Bti) extract through slow-release formulations and protection from solar radiation was studied. The median lethal concentration (LC 50 ) and 90% lethal concentration (LC 90 ) levels of laboratory-reared early 4th-stage larval Aedes aegypti after exposure to Bti extract were determined. Formulations with 4 polymers and 1 solar protectant were prepared, and their shelf lives were evaluated for year-long storage at 20-35°C and 50-80% relative humidity. Also, the effect of ultraviolet light on unformulated (extract) and formulated Bti larvicidal activity persistence was determined. Laboratory bioassays were conducted with larval Ae. aegypti introduced into treated and control containers at 1, 2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 days after treatment, and larval mortalities were checked 24 h after introduction. Probit analysis of Bti extract showed LC 50 and LC 90 values of 0.016 and 0.051 mg/liter, respectively. The polymer-based Bti formulations showed no significant loss of insecticidal activity after 8 months of storage. Ultraviolet irradiation reduced activity of unformulated Bti extract after different exposure times, up to 40-46%, whereas Bti formulated with gelatin or acacia gum showed lower variation in larvicidal activity than formulations with sodium alginate and paraffin for protecting the activity of Bti toxin. Residual activity against 4th-stage Ae. aegypti in the laboratory for the formulation containing acacia gum at 10% (w/w) was 80% mortality at 14 days after treatment, whereas the Bti formulation containing gelatin (10%, w/w) caused 65% mortality. In addition, Bti formulations made with paraffin at 5% (w/w) sustained up to 60% mortality for 21 days. Unformulated Bti showed only 2.6% mortality, and a commercial preparation maintained 37% mortality, both at 14 days after treatment.
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