Динамика растительного покрова пастбищ под влиянием выпаса

The researches established the expediency of moderated (65-75% browsing) use of pastures. The change of floristic structure and efficiency and also deterioration of agrochemical and agrophysical indicators of pastures soil cover is noted at the intensive use of pastures. As shown by the data on studies in the synthesis of the summer production area with a weak mode of use involves only herbs. Year high its products are almost entirely determined by the development of steppe grasses and is of 6,22 с/he, which by the end of summer is reduced almost two times (3,88 с/he). On a plot of temperate pasture production of grasses for the entire growing period was at the level of 5,22 с/he in the spring of 6.05 с/he in summer and 3,17 с/he in the fall. On the site with full use of the spring production of grass variety was greater than in other seasons of 1,44 с/he.
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