LONG-TERM RAT FEEDING EXPERIMENT ON IRRADIATED BEEF. Progress Report No. 4C for March 31, 1959 to September 30, 1959

Excretion of sulfobromophthalein sodium (BSP) into bile by the liver of the rat was prevented or reduced bv temporary bile stasis, carbon tetrachloride intoxication, or whole-body x-ray exposure. BSP was injected, bile was collected for a standard period of time, and the BSP excreted into bile was analyzed for distribution among its metabolic products. An increase was found in the compound representing the apparent terminus of the metabolic sequence, indicating that metabolism of BSP had continued during the delay in excretion. The results suggest that an immediate consequence of bile stasis is an arrest of the net secretion of BSP, whether fluid continues to be secreted or not. The possible relationship of the effects of the delay in excretion of BSP to the apparent concentration of BSP in plasma is pointed out. (auth)
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