Тиреоидный профиль и антиоксидантный статус у детей в условиях природного дефицита эссенциальных микроэлементов и ингаляционного воздействия струмогенов

The insufficient level of iodine and microelements’ supply (decrease urinary iodine excretion, zinc content and free thyroxine in the blood), changes in the structure and thyroid volume were detected in the children living in the natural deficiency of essential micronutrients (iodine, zinc) and under inhalation exposure of strumogens (benzene, phenol). The imbalance of oxidative and antioxidant processes such as peroxidation of plasma by malondialdehyde and lipid hydroperoxidation, plasma antioxidant activity decline, excessive presence of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase have been established. It has been proved that under the combined strumogens’ exposure there is a relation of the disorders of thyroid profile and antioxidant status with the excessive presence of benzene and phenol in children’s blood.
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