Genetic variation in mouse beta globin cysteine content modifies glutathione metabolism: implications for the use of mouse models.

Allelic variation in the mouse beta globin gene complex (Hbb) produces structurally different beta globins in different mouse strains. Like humans, mice with HbbS alleles produce a single beta globin with one reactive cysteine (β Cys93). In contrast, mice with HbbD alleles produce two structurally different beta globins, each containing an additional cysteine (β Cys13). β Cys93 forms mixed disulfides with glutathione and plays a pivotal role in the activities of hemoglobin, glutathione, and nitric oxide. Similar roles for mouse β Cys13 have not been described. We used capillary electrophoresis to compare reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione disulfide (GSSG), and S-glutathionyl hemoglobin levels in erythrocytes from inbred C57BL/6J (homozygous HbbS/S) and 129S1/SvImJ (homozygous HbbD/D) mice and their homozygous and heterozygous B6129S/F2J hybrid offspring. S-glutathionyl hemoglobin was nearly undetectable in inbred or hybrid mice with only monocysteinyl beta globins (HbbS/S) but represented up to 10% of...
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