[The status of afebrile infantile convulsions within the epilepsy spectrum--a follow-up of 55 patients].

: In an earlier study we observed 411 patients with cerebral convulsions, 118 of whom had the first convulsion during the 1 year of life. Among these 118 children we found 76 with afebrile convulsions. In this study we present the development and outcome in 55 patients with afebrile convulsions in the 1 year of life which could be observed for some years, most of them up to the present. In 25 infants the fits started in the newborn period, and in 30 infants after the 1 month; they were divided into groups with and without risk factors in the history. Benign neonatal convulsions were found in about one-third of children, with a good prognosis. These convulsions are divided into a dominantly inherited but rarely observed form and idiopathic benign neonatal convulsions. In contrast, among the newborns with risk factors in the history we found only half with a positive development. The results in the 30 infants with convulsions after the 1 month were similar with respect to risk factors in the history of risks. The 15 infants without risks had a good prognosis. Only 3 patients had oligoepilepsy. However, in the 15 patients with risks only 3 developed normally, 6 had no fits, but were neurologically or mentally handicapped, and 7 had fits and disability. We believe that afebrile convulsions without risk factors after the 1 month could be considered a late manifestation of benign newborn convulsions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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