Effects of sham air and cigarette smoke on A549 lung cells: Implications for iron-mediated oxidative damage

Inhalation of airborne pollution particles that contain iron can result in a variety of detrimental changes to lung cells and tissues. The lung iron burden can be substantially increased by exposure to cigarette smoke, and cigarette smoke contains iron particulates, as well as several environmental toxins, that could influence intracellular iron status. We are interested in the effects of environmental contaminants on intracellular iron metabolism. We initiated our studies using lung A549 type II epithelial cells as a model, and we evaluated the effects of iron dose and smoke treatment on several parameters of intracellular iron metabolism. We show that iron at a physiological dose stimulates ferritin synthesis without altering the transferrin receptor (TfR) mRNA levels of these cells. This is mediated primarily by a reduction of iron regulatory protein 2. Higher doses of iron reduce iron regulatory protein-1 binding activity and are accompanied by a reduction in TfR mRNA. Thus, for A549 cells, different ...
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