Impact of AECM 0511 on operations of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL) liquid waste management group

From second AEC pollution control conference; Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (18 Apr 1974). The liquid waste management group at LASL operates a number of facilities for treatment of radioactive liquid wastes. In one case, radioactive dewatered sludge must be packaged for disposal; in another a cement paste is the disposal problem. The sludge is normally below the retrievability levels of AEC Manual Chapter 0511, but it occasionally exceeds these levels. A system has been devised to assure that packaging is in accordance with the requirements of AECM 0511; the system and the materials used are described. The cement paste is usually in the retrievable'' category. However, some constituent wastes are not and can be separated. The retrievable paste portion will be packaged in corrugated metal pipe and stored in a designated area; the remainder will be placed into pits as at present. (auth)
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