Экономическая эффективность применения ферментных препаратов «Мацеробациллин Г3х» и «ЦеллоЛюкс-F» в составе рецепта премикса на дойных коровах

The effectiveness of enzyme preparations Macerobacillin G3x and Tsello-Lyuks-F application in dairy cow nutrition and their influence on performance and economic indices are discussed. The studies revealed that the use of the enzyme preparation Macerobacillin G3x and area-based premix recipe in a dose of 3.5 g per cow (Trial Group 2) increased milk yield by 8% as compared to the Control Group; the use in a dose of 4 g per cow (Trial Group 3) increased milk yield by 20%. This increase in milk performance enabled obtaining more milk in goal weight (by 3.4%) than from the Control Group by 7% and 19.8% respectively. The additional milk per cow made 421.09 kg and 1158.8 kg respectively, and in terms of money 6737.44 rubles and 18540.80 rubles respectively. The use of the enzyme preparation Tsello-Lyuks-F in a dose of 3 g per cow (Trial Group 2) increased milk performance by 3% as compared to the Control Group. In this case, the additional milk per cow made 97.86 kg and 1957.2 rubles in terms of money. The prime cost of 1 kg of milk increased by 0.6% due to the rising cost of the diet. However, the feed consumption to produce 1 kg of milk (3.6% butterfat) in terms of fodder units decreased by 1.18% as compared to the Control Group. Thus, the use of specific premix and the enzyme preparation Tsello-Lyuks-F to improve nutrition was economically effective due to extra profit (311.15 rubles), which was more by 0.67% than in the Control Group.
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