Establishing a Multi-Spatial Wireless Sensor Network to Monitor Nitrate Concentrations in Soil Moisture

C ^NS Center for Embedded Networked Sensing Establishing a Multi-Spatial Wireless Sensor Network to Monitor Nitrate Concentrations in Soil Moisture 1 III t O i y t t im T M - n r - H m i - U -.Uipt* M tPJ.BM CT1] »J l l i r n r t t -X. 1M. M MCT11 O ITtrpit»-« 1 » O i n r s i u • M . I H . B H w.-u sceoE : U. 77Z713, 77Z713, 7II7I3, ir; ) * Real-time graphing, GUIs in development. Network Mechanics: Spatial distribution, system software, and network tasking Network Tasking • Pylons / nodes send data to base station. • The base station compares sensor-based observations to flow and transport simulations. • Local flow and transport parameters identified with a decent-based model inversion algorithm. • Continuous estimate of the moisture, temperature, and nitrate levels. • Following calibration, predictive simulations through a nonlinear optimization routines identify the optimal application rate for subsequent irrigation events. Mote Software: TinyOS • Developed at U C - Berkeley • Open-source software with component- based architecture. • Designed for wireless networks with minimal hardware. • htt p: //www Node Distrihiition _Reclaimed wastewater I r r i g a t i o n {iV v o l p l o t s w a s t e w a t e r i U M inn- plant Base-Station Software: EmStar • Linux-based software framework • EmStar Components: host mo ted — d r i v e r t o i n t e r f a c e motenicd * Pylon spacing will be an irregular grid with spacing intervals of 2, 5, 1(1,20, 50, and 100 m. * Sampling locations to examine soil variability, network design, and calibration algorithms. 3 0 a c r e experimental pivot pvlon layout (121400 square meters} w l l l i a m o t e a l l a c l i e t l to b a s e station that c o m m u n i c a t e s w l t l i d e p l o y e d motes, provides network Interface KZlern — ut a r i , . t l o | i , m i r i m a n a g e a n I U T I S I H I DSU Serverlogs d a t a f o r w a r d s u s e r q u e r i e s to m o l e s , l i s t e n s f o r a n d • EmStar Services (future implementation): Luik/Neighburhuud estimation— n o d e c o n n e c t i v i t y Time Synchronization — r e l a t e e v e n t s from n o d e s Routing - i n n o v i ] ti v e , h y b r i d t r a n s p o r t r u n l i n t ; p r o t o c o l s * http ://cvs. cens .u ci a »edu/ emst a rf 195 m.. - pyloc t ; UCLA - UCR - Caltech - USC - CSU - JPL - UC Merced
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