Sigara İçen/İçmeyen 18 Yaş Üzeri Erişkinlerde Ekspiryum Havasında Karbonmonoksit Düzeyinin Değerlendirilmesi - Determination of Carbon Monoxide Level in Expiratory Air in Smoker/Non Smoker Adults over 18 Years of Age

Sigarada bulunan kimyasal maddeler icerisinde de en cok bilineni karbonmonoksittir. Bu calismada sigara icen/icmeyen bireylerin ayrica pasif icicilerin solunum havasindaki karbonmonoksit duzeylerinin belirlenerek karsilastirilmasi ve sigara icenlerde bu duzeyin sigara kullanim durumu ile iliskisinin ortaya cikarilmasi amaclanmistir. Tanimlayici tipteki bu calisma, Elazig Il Merkezinde bulunan bir alisveris merkezinde Halk Sagligi Mudurlugu tarafindan acilmis olan bir saglik standina basvuran 297 gonullu birey uzerinde yapilmistir. Calismanin verileri, yuz yuze anket yontemi ve karbonmonoksit (CO) olcum cihazi kullanilarak yapilan ekspiryum havasinda CO olcumleri ile toplanmistir. Calisma kapsamina alinan bireylerin yas ortalamasi 32.91±10.06 olup, %25.9’unu kadinlar olusturmaktadir. Kisilerin %67.7’sinin aktif sigara kullanicisi, %12.5’inin pasif icici oldugu, %19.9’unun sigara kullanmadigi belirlenmistir. Sigara kullananlarin %45.3’u gunluk 11-20 adet, %24.9’u ise 21 adet ve uzerinde sigara tukettiklerini belirtmistir. Sigara icenlerin %69.7’si 10 yildan az, %30.3’u ise 10 yildan fazla suredir sigara icmektedir. Kisilere “oksuruk, balgam, nefes darligiyla giden bir akciger hastaliginiz var mi?” diye soruldugunda %9.4’u evet demistir. Calismaya alinan kisilerin olculen CO duzeylerinin ortalamasi 10.18±8.83 ppm’dir (min:1, maks:44). Aktif olarak sigara kullanan kisilerin nefeste ortalama CO duzeyi (13.93±8.42 ppm) olup hic icmemis, icip birakmis ve pasif icici olanlardan anlamli olarak daha yuksektir (p<0.05). Sigara icenlerde ekspiryum havasinda CO duzeyi digerlerinden yuksek bulunmustur. Ekspiryum havasindaki CO’nun olculmesi sigara icme durumunun degerlendirilmesinde kolay, invaziv olmayan ve hizli sonuc verebilen bir yontemdir. Sigara kullanan kisilere CO olcumunun yapilmasi birakmaya yonlendirmede etkili olabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sigara, karbon monoksit, ekspiryum havasi. Abstract: Among the substances found in cigarettes, the most known is carbon monoxide. In this study, it was aimed to determine and compare the levels of carbon monoxide levels in respiratory air of smoker/non smoker individuals and also passive smokers and to reveal the relation of this level with smoking status in smoker individuals. This descriptive study was carried out on 297 voluntary individuals applying to a health stand opened by the Elazig Public Health Directorate in a shopping center in the city center of Elazig. The data of the study were collected by face-to-face survey method and carbon monoxide (CO) measurements in expiratory air by using CO measurement device. The mean age of the individuals included in the scope of the study was 32.91±10.06 and 25.9% of them were women. It was determined that 67.7% of study subjects were active cigarette smoker, 12.5% were passive smoker and 19.9% were non-smoker. 45.3% of the smokers stated that they consumed 11-20 cigarettes, 24.9% of the smokers stated that they consumed 21 or more cigarettes per day. 69.7% of smokers had been smoking less than 10 years and 30.3% had been smoking for more than 10 years. When people were asked whether they had cough, sputum or a lung disease with shortness of breath, 9.4% of them said yes. The mean measured CO level of study subjects was 10.18 ± 8.83 ppm (min:1, max:44). The mean CO level was 13.93 ± 8.42 ppm in the breath of active smokers, which was significantly higher than those who never smoked, smoked only in the past and passively smoked cigarettes (p <0.05). In smokers, CO levels in expiratory air were higher than others. Measurement of CO level in expiratory air is an easy, non-invasive, and rapid method for assessing smoking status. CO measurement for smokers can be effective in directing to quit smoking. Key words: Cigarette, carbon monoxide, expiratory air.
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