Projekt zefektivnění skladovacích a logistických kapacit při zavedení nového produktu ve vybrané společnosti

Content of this thesis is focusing on the project of efficiency improvement in storage and logistics capacities with the introduction of a new product into the production in a selected company. The work is complete from two parts, which first is theoretical and second is practical. In theoretical part we find summarization of available literary sources which are associated with the topic of this thesis. Concretely it is about description of holding stor-age, basic logistic operation which are connected with the topic. And at least we find theo-retical concept of analytical methods. Practical part of this thesis contain characteristic of selected company and description of production process. Next part is about description of specific problem, which is solved by the thesis project. Practical part also contains data analysis and their evaluation with using specific methods. Other part is risk and cost analy-sis. Last past contains the conclusion with recommendations for the company.
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