A mosquito-specific protein family includes candidate receptors for malaria sporozoite invasion of salivary glands.

Summary We describe a previously unrecognized protein fam- ily from Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes, here named SGS proteins. There are no SGS homologues in Drosophila or other eukaryotes, but SGS presence in two mosquito genera suggests that the protein family is widespread among mosquitoes. Ae. aegypti aaSGS1 mRNA and protein are salivary gland specific, and protein is localized in the basal lamina covering the anatomical regions that are preferen- tially invaded by malaria sporozoites. Anti-aaSGS1 antibodies inhibited sporozoite invasion into the salivary glands in vivo , confirming aaSGS1 as a candidate sporozoite receptor. By homology to aaSGS1 we identified the complete complement of four SGS genes in An. gambiae , which were not rec- ognized in the genome annotation. Two An. gambiae SGS genes display salivary gland specific expres- sion like aaSGS1 . Bioinformatic analysis predicts that SGS proteins possess heparin-binding domains, and have among the highest density of tyrosine sul- phation sites of all An. gambiae proteins. The major sporozoite surface proteins (CS and TRAP) also bind heparin, and interact with sulphoconjugates during liver cell invasion. Thus, we speculate that sporozoite invasion of mosquito salivary glands and subse- quently the vertebrate liver may share similar mech- anisms based on sulphation. Phylogenomic analysis suggests that an SGS ancestor was involved in a lateral gene transfer.
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