Earliest Campanian - latest Maastrichtian sequence stratigraphy based on planktonic foraminifera, Fars province, Zagros, Iran

The Gurpi, Tarbur and Sachun formations have been investigated in the studied section in the Fars Province, in order to determine their sequence stratigraphy. On the basis of done studies on the cores of borehole, four main microfacies have been recognized in four stratigraphic sequence deposited during the Campanian to Maastrichtian. The lowermost sequence, was deposited in the early Campanian-early late Campanian which include wackestone to packestone texture with Globotruncanita elevata Zoneand Globotruncana ventricosa Zonethatrepresentative of the deep marine and outer ramp. The intermediate and uppermost sequences (sequences two, three and four) display well developed deposits formed in the end of the Campanian (Radotruncana calcarata Zoneand Globotruncanella havanensis Zone), formed during the Maastrichtian (Globotruncana aegyptiaca Zoneand Gansserina gansseri Zone) and the end of the Maastrichtian (Omphalocyclus macroporus - loftusia sp assemblage Zone) on pelagic, hemipelagic, outer and middle ramp. On the basis of the sequence stratigraphic chart, the transgression of the upper Cretaceous sea started since the early Campanian and continued gradually until the early Maastrichtian. Then, until the end of Maastrichtian, the area has been emerged. The sequence stratigraphic architecture of Campanian/ Maastrichtian Gurpi, Tarbur and Sachun formations model is in a good agreement with global sea level changes.
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