X Jornada Debate Cátedra Libre de Estudios Agrarios Ing. Agr. Horacio Giberti

The relevance the agricultural and livestock sector has in the Argentine economy as a provider of foreign exchange through exports as well as being price setters of wage goods, requires having good diagnoses for the design of policies. The Agricultural and Livestock Censuses are a valuable source of information for the elaboration of these diagnoses, since they make it possible to account for the quantity and area of agricultural and forestry holdings, for forms of land tenure, its distribution, of livestock stocks and types of crops, the provision of capital goods and the number of workers employed, among other variables that are significant when considering the analysis of the agrarian structure. In Argentina these censuses have been carried out discontinuously and not always with unquestionable results, hence the need to rely on other sources of information in certain cases. Of the last census, carried out in 2018, only preliminary results are available. The professorship has summoned a group of colleagues from different provinces to analyze and compare the census data from 2002 and 2018. In this issue we present the reports made for the provinces of La Pampa, Mendoza and San Juan.
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