A Critical Role for Granzymes in Antigen Cross-Presentation through Regulating Phagocytosis of Killed Tumor Cells

Granzymes A and B (GrAB) are known principally for their role in mediating perforin-dependent death of virus-infected or malignant cells targeted by CTL. In this study, we show that granzymes also play a critical role as inducers of Ag cross-presentation by dendritic cells (DC). This was demonstrated by the markedly reduced priming of naive CD8+ T cells specific for the model Ag OVA both in vitro and in vivo in response to tumor cells killed in the absence of granzymes. Reduced cross-priming was due to impairment of phagocytosis of tumor cell corpses by CD8α+ DC but not CD8α− DC, demonstrating the importance of granzymes in inducing the exposure of prophagocytic “eat-me” signals on the dying target cell. Our data reveal a critical and previously unsuspected role for granzymes A and B in dictating immunogenicity by influencing the mode of tumor cell death and indicate that granzymes contribute to the efficient generation of immune effector pathways in addition to their well-known role in apoptosis induction.
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