Effect of Glycosylation on MUC1 Humoral Immune Recognition: NMR Studies of MUC1 Glycopeptide-Antibody Interactions †

MUC1 mucin is a large transmembrane glycoprotein, of which the extracellular domain is formed by a repeating 20 amino acid sequence, GVTSAPDTRPAPGSTAPPAH. In normal breast epithelial cells, the extracellular domain is densely covered with highly branched complex carbohydrate structures. However, in neoplastic breast tissue, the extracellular domain is underglycosylated, resulting in the exposure of a highly immunogenic core peptide epitope (PDTRP in bold above) as well as the normally cryptic core Tn (GalNAc), STn (sialyl R2-6 GalNAc), and TF (Gal ‚1-3 GalNAc) carbohydrates. In the present study, NMR methods were used to correlate the effects of cryptic glycosylation outside of the PDTRP core epitope region to the recognition and binding of a monoclonal antibody, Mab B27.29, raised against the intact tumor-associated MUC1 mucin. Four peptides were studied: a MUC1 16mer peptide of the sequence Gly1-Val2-Thr3-Ser4-Ala5-Pro6-Asp7-Thr8-Arg9-Pro10-Ala11-Pro12-Gly13-Ser14-Thr15-Ala16, two singly Tn-glycosylated versions of this peptide at either Thr3 or Ser4, and a doubly Tn-glycosylated version at both Thr3 and Ser4. The results of these studies showed that the B27.29 MUC1 B-cell epitope maps to two separate parts of the glycopeptide, the core peptide epitope spanning the PDTRP sequence and a second (carbohydrate) epitope comprised of the Tn moieties attached at Thr3 and Ser4. The implications of these results are discussed within the framework of developing a glycosylated second- generation MUC1 glycopeptide vaccine.
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