Protective relay coupling network for composite signal transmission

The present invention discloses a composite signal transmission protection relay coupling network, the use of post-coupling transformer to DC coupling and high rate data on the use of high-voltage AC voltage relay signal isolation, control command through a coupling transformer fed by high voltage relay cable , transmission; receiving a signal loaded via second switching high voltage relays, high voltage AC signal to the load side, DC, and high-speed data is divided into two, all the way followed by blocking circuitry coupled transformer and high voltage relays to transmit three data transmission and command reception unit, the other way through a low pass filter to the second transmission DC power module; at the same time, receives the low-pass filter as a voltage relay voltage relay control signals II and III. On the basis of the present invention can be completely isolated from the high voltage circuit effectively improve the reliability of the signal transmission path, the maximum extent to ensure the stability coupled transmission four kinds of high and low voltage signals.
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