Some features of water vapor mixing ratio in tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Role of convection

Abstract Spatial and temporal variation of water vapor mixing ratio (WVMR) is examined for its association with the convective activity in upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over tropical region particularly Asian monsoon region (AMR) and Indonesian–Australian West Pacific region (IAWPR) using WVMR obtained from MLS satellite with simultaneous daily mean OLR from NOAA and daily mean wind from NCEP reanalysis. An examination of WVMR at various pressure levels during high water vapor regime (moist Phase) indicates that water vapor (WV) transport, in troposphere, is rather fast up to a level of ~ 147 hPa. Seasonal variation of WVMR over tropical lower stratosphere (TLS) is noted to be closely associated with seasonal northward movement of intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). Convection activity over AMR appears to be a prominent contributor to the moist phase of WVMR seasonal cycle in TLS. However, other tropical regions may also be contributing to the seasonal variability of WVMR. Low WV (dry) phase of the WVMR seasonal cycle in TLS observed during NH winter and early spring months may be caused by the appearance of extreme cold temperatures (≤ 191 K) close to tropopause heights over IAWPR. Mechanisms that could cause such low temperatures over IAWPR are discussed. Intraseasonal oscillations with period of 30–40 days are observed in WVMR at various pressure levels. At 100 hPa level such oscillations are noted to be closely associated with similar oscillation in OLR and temperature. These observations suggest that variations in OLR (proxy of convection activity) produce such oscillation in WVMR. Present analysis thus report signature of convection in upward transport of WV, seasonal and intraseasonal oscillation in WVMR in upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS).
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