Prevalence of Spirometra in white-lipped green pit viper (Trimeresurus insularis) in Banyuwangi City, Indonesia

Sparganosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the spargana (infective larvae) of Spirometra sp. Snakes are particularly important intermediate hosts for the transmission of this tapeworm in mainland Asia. White-lipped green pit vipers (Trimeresurus insularis) are kept as exotic pets in Indonesia. Their role in sparganosis is unrecognized. This study aims to investigate the infection of white-lipped green pit viper snakes with Spirometra sp. in Banyuwangi, Indonesia. A total of 43 snakes were bought from a local seller, euthanized and necropsy conducted for detecting parasites. The results revealed 100% prevalence of Spirometra sp. among the snakes. Muscular, visceral and subcutaneous spargana infections were 58%, 10%, and 32% respectively. Our finding is the first record of Spirometra sp. in white-lipped green pit viper. Since snakes are often a component of human diet, they can be a source of sparganosis in humans and Indonesian wildlife. Therefore, further studies are needed to investigate the prevalence in other snake and reptile hosts.
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