Tuna fish waste as an aquafeed substitute at Visakhapatnam

Tuna is an important group of large pelagics in the waters along the Visakhapatnam coast and constitute a major component of the exploited marine fishery resources. The annual average landings of tunas in Andhra Pradesh during 2006 -2010 was 29,360 t, which accounts for 26.4% of the national tuna catch. The highest catch of 32,369 t was recorded in 2009 and the lowest catch of 27,046 t was recorded in 2006. Visakhapatnam alone contributes to half the total tuna catch for the state. The tuna fishery at Visakhapatnam is contributed mainly by Euthynnus affinis and Thunnus albacares with small amounts of Katsuwonus pelamis and Auxis thazard. They are mainly exploited by hooks and line and by gillnets. They are locally called ‘suralu’ and support a regular fishery. Visakhapatnam is the major fishing harbour where tuna fish is brought from different landing centres and transported for export.
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