Gene expression of endothelin receptors in aortic cells from cyclosporine-induced hypertensive rats.

SUMMARY 1. We examined preproendothelin-1, ETA and ETb receptor mRNA levels in aortic endothelial and smooth muscle cells from cyclosporine (CyA)-induced hypertensive rats using the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction method. 2. Aortic endothelial preproendothelin-1 mRNA expression was about 1.5-fold higher, while that of ETB receptor mRNA was markedly decreased in CyA-treated rats compared with those in controls. 3. The expression of ETA receptor mRNA in smooth muscle cells from CyA-induced hypertensive rats was increased about two-fold over that in cells from control animals. 4. Thus, increased endothelial preproendothelin-1, and ETa receptor mRNA levels in smooth muscle cells, which are concomitant with the decrease in ETB receptor mRNA levels in endothelium, may contribute to CyA-induced hypertension in rats.
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