The potential of the high-biomass nickel hyperaccumulator Berkheya coddii for phytoremediation and phytomining

Abstract Pot trials and tests in outside plots were carried out on the South African Ni hyperaccumulator plant Berkheya coddii in order to establish its potential for phytoremediation of contaminated soils and for phytomining of Ni. Outside trial plots showed that a dry biomass of 22 t/ha could be achieved after moderate fertilisation. Pot trials with varying soil amendments with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers showed enhanced uptake of Ni with increasing nitrogen addition, though there was no reaction to phosphorus. The Ni content of the plant was directly related to the ammonium acetate extractable fraction of Ni in a wide range of natural and artificial substrates. Excision of shoots induced a dramatic increase in the Ni content in the new growth (5500 μg/g compared with 1800 μg/g Ni). When plants were grown in pots with Ni added to the substrate (0–1%), the Ni content of the plants rose to a maximum value of about 1% dry mass. The data from this last experiment were used to calculate the probable Ni yield (kg/ha) of plants grown in nickel-rich soils in different parts of the world. It was calculated that moderately contaminated soils (100 μg/g Ni) could be remediated with only two crops of Berkheya coddii . The potential of this species for phytomining has also been evaluated and it is proposed that a yield of 100 kg/ha of Ni should be achievable at many sites worldwide. Phytomining is also discussed in general terms for other metals as well as Ni.
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