Lecture theme usovershenstvoniya in reflexology "Diagnosis and treatment of pain syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine"

The article considers the main methods of diagnosis and treatment of pain syndrome (BS) in accordance with traditional Chinese medicine, which are used in a lecture course theme usovershenstvoniya in reflexology. Mechanisms of development of the BS associated with the failure of "vital substances" forms premorbid background for the development of BS. Excessive emotions depressive and negative also create additional conditions for the development of BS. This article describes the clinical features of the BS manifestations and treatment tactics depending on the depth of localization of lesions and the BS. Recommended special acupuncture technique for pain relief can extend the theme of the lecture course at the Department of  Neurology and Reflexology, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education based on the analysis of data in the literature and practical experience in acupuncture.
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