Benefit-to-Cost Analysis Framework for Intersection Illumination: A Case Study of Rural Conventional Intersections in Georgia:

Lighting provides one of the most effective night-time intersection safety countermeasures. However, lighting is also one of the main contributors to intersection maintenance and operation costs. For a public transportation agency with jurisdiction over many intersections, the system-wide lighting costs can significantly deplete already limited funds for other important maintenance projects. A sound framework for conducting benefit-to-cost trade-off analysis would be beneficial to transportation agencies. Unfortunately, published works on the benefit-to-cost analysis are few and mostly dated. This paper outlines a detailed framework for conducting benefit-to-cost analysis for rural intersection lighting. The framework uses intersection lighting simulation models to generate annualized operating and maintenance cost data for different lighting levels. The intersection lighting models were developed with DIALux® professional lighting software. This study used the framework to conduct a case study of rural c...
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