Dinámica del rebrote en pasto insurgente (brachiaria brizantha hochst. stapf.) pastoreado a diferente asignación en la estación de lluvias

The objective of this study was to measure Insurgente grass regrowth (total forage, forage component and shoots) grazed at different green leaf allowances, by means of a rotational grazing scheme having fixed rest periods, in the rainy season. Forage was grazed under three different allowances: 3, 5 and 7 kg dry matter (leaf) per 100 kg live weight -,1 day -,1. Experimental design was a random complete block with three replications, and the experimental unit was 0.5 ha carrying two heifers. Grazing was rotational, consisting of a 3 day occupancy period and a 30 day regrowth interval. Four grazing cycles were completed. The smallest allownce (P0.05) differences between them relative to the defoliation rate (49 %). Daily plant weight gain was smaller for the 3 % treatment in the first 15 days but higher in the last 15 days of the regrowth period, compared to the other two treatments. This different growth pattern was determinant in producing a non significant difference (P>0.05) between treatments in total aerial biomass and by each component. As a conclusion it can be considered that Insurgente grass regrowth rate varies in accordance to harvest intensity, a fact which allows a recuperation rate similar for all treatments at the end of a 30 day regrowth period in the rainy season.
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