Coloring and translucency mechanisms of Five dynasty celadon body from Yaozhou kiln

Abstract This work takes the Five dynasty celadon body of Yaozhou kiln as the major study objects. Based on the analysis of XRF, XRD, SEM/EDS, UV/Vis/NIR spectrophotometers and XPS, the chemical compositions, microstructure and optical quality of the white and black bodies have been investigated. The results indicates that the Five dynasty celadon body has lower SiO 2 content than that of the other dynasties, which provides an evidence for dating research on ancient celadon. Furthermore, the high Fe 2 O 3 and TiO 2 contents enhance the formation of F e 2 3 + T i 4 + O 5 , F e 2 + T i 2 4 + O 5 and Ti 2 O 3 in the black body and deepen the coloring of Fe 2 O 3 . As a result, its color is darker than the white body. In addition, there are more crystal boundaries and residual micropores appeared in the black body. They serve as optical scattering centers and decrease the transmittance of incidence light. Therefore, the black body has much worse transmittance than that of the white body.
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