Financial sustainability of home care in the health system of the Republic of Serbia

Introduction. Over the last several years, during the economic crisis, the Ministry of Health and the Republican Health Insurance Fund (RHIF) have been faced with new challenges in the sphere of healthcare services financing both in the primary as well as other types of health insurance in the Republic of Serbia (RS). Objective. Analysis of cost­effectiveness of two models of organization of home treatment and healthcare in the primary insurance, with evaluation of the cost sustainability of a single visit by the in­home therapy team. Methods. Economic evaluation of the cost of home treatment and healthcare provision in 2011 was performed. In statistical analysis, the methods of descriptive statistics were employed. The structure of fixed costs of home healthcare was developed according to the RS official norms, as well as fixed costs of providing services of home therapy by the Healthcare Centre "New Belgrade". The statement of account for provided home therapy services was made utilizing the RHIF price list. Results. The results showed that the cost of home healthcare and therapy of the heterogeneous population of patients in the Healthcare Centre "New Belgrade" was more cost­effective in relation to the cost of providing home therapy services according to the RS official norms. Conclusion. Approved costs utilized when making a contract for services of home therapy and healthcare with the RHIF are not financially sustainable. It was shown that the price of 10 EUR for each home visit by the in­home therapy team enables sustainability of this form of providing healthcare services in RS.
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