Análisis de la videograbación como estrategia educativa en la especialidad de medicina familiar en México

Objetivo: incrementar la adquisicion de competencias profesionales en los estudiantes de medicina familiar ubicados mayoritariamente en sedes academicas cuya supervision y asesoria resulta dificil, por distancia, ubicacion geografica y turno laboral. Metodos: se creo un grupo de expertos integrado por nueve profesores que incluyo a tres especialistas en medicina familiar, dos terapeutas familiares, un subespecialista en orientacion familiar, un maestro en educacion medica, un psiquiatra y una psicologa. Su mision fue desarrollar un instrumento piloto, que permitiera apreciar la practica profesional de los medicos a traves de los videos. Finalmente, se decidio valorar cinco dimensiones: 1. Imagen personal y profesional, 2. Imagen del consultorio, 3. Comunicacion verbal y no verbal, 4. Practica clinica y 5. Abordaje familiar. Se describen cada una de las dimensiones valoradas. Resultados: se obtuvo una herramienta valiosa para el proceso de ensenanza aprendizaje en medicina familiar, que permitio mejorar las habilidades y destrezas del medico en el abordaje del paciente y la familia asi como el asesoramiento del profesor al alumno en el desarrollo de las habilidades clinicas y las actitudes en la consulta cotidiana. Conclusiones: la herramienta presentada es una estrategia educativa que busca finalmente, incrementar las capacidades del medico familiar para que pueda otorgar una mejor atencion al paciente y su familia Objective: to increase the acquisition of professional competences in those family medicine students who are mostly located in academic institutions and are difficult to be supervised and advised, due to distance, geographic location and work shifts. Methods: a group of experts made up of nine professors including three family medicine specialists, two family therapists, a family counseling specialist, a medical education professor, a psychiatrist and a psychologist was created. The mission of this group was to develop a pilot instrument that allows observing the professional practice of the physicians through videos. Finally, five dimensions were chosen to be assessed: 1- personal and professional image, 2- the physician's office image, 3- verbal and non-verbal communication, 4-Clinical practice and 5-Family approach. All these assessed dimensions were described in the paper. Results: a valuable tool for the teaching/learning process was obtained. It allowed improving the abilities and dexterities of the physician in dealing with the patient and the family, as well as the possibilities of the professor for giving advice to the student in terms of development of clinical abilities and individual attitudes in the daily medical work. Conclusions: the tool described in this paper is an educational strategy aimed at increasing the capacities of the family physicians to provide better care to their patients and families
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