Преемственность и разрывы в экономической истории России XIX–XX вв.

The author in his interview presents a major summary of the studies describing various aspects of continuity and discontinuities in the economic history of Russia. The conditions and factors of industrialization and economic growth in Russia / the USSR from the end of the 19 th  century to the middle of the 20 th  century are discussed. With the help of models of historical alternatives, the author shows the potential opportunities for Russia’s economic development if the NEP economic model would be applied. The use of verified source data and mathematical models makes it possible to quantify the effects of certain radical institutional reforms and major events that occurred at the points of “ history-making forks”, as well as the long-term consequences of the economic policy pursued. The author also discusses the results of the study on the dynamics of wages and the property and social stratification processes, which served as an important argument in justifying the rejection of the NEP continuation. He notes that the transition to forced industrialization was accompanied by a significant differentiation of wages against the background of a general drop in workers’ incomes, while the NEP and the first five-year plan brought the indicators of workers’ living standard to pre-revolutionary values. The role and results of the compulsory labour economy are discussed. Important directions for further research are outlined.
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