Identitet prezbitera - perspektive i mogućnosti ostvarenja

This paper analyzes identity of priest which is in different social and cultural contexts. We tried to show a complete vision of the priestly ministry through history, to point out the most important features of priestly identity and to illuminate the theological aspects that describe how to build a priestly identity and what he should be in his heart core. In the first part of the work, we begins with the very nature of priesthood and the analysis of biblical sources based on which aspects of the priesthood and the Levitical service of the Old Testament were pointed out, and then pointed to the priesthood of Christ that changed the understanding of the priesthood and the priestly ministry. In the second part of the paper, we reached for some historical cross section of understanding of the priesthood and the priestly identity how could we've been able to sought to identify the supporting elements of service development through the Church's history, to identify which are the permanent moments of the predecessor's identity and which have historically contributed to the cultural contribution. In the third part of the paper, we pointed out the present difficulties in the life of the Church and the challenges that arise in today's culture and which are emphasized priestly identity in front of new challenges. The fourth chapter deals with the main elements that make up the core of building a priestly identity. It sought to encompass all the elements that church ecclesiastical practice sets up as pivotal elements of the education and teaching of priestly candidates. The fifth chapter focuses on building the identity of the priests according to the encyclic Evangelii gaudium and the sixth chapter of Amoris laetitia. These two documents reveal the vision of the priests identity and new approaches to evangelization. The seventh chapter relies on the exhortation of Gaudete et exultate and points to elements that make up the elements of priestly identity.
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