La inmunoturbidimetría elegida para dosificar el complemento: c3 y c4.

The complement system over the years and with the advance of immunological technique, it is possible to know even more in detail how it works, besides facilitating the phagocytosis, intervened in the cytolysis, opsonizacion and activation of the inflammation with the formation of the C3 converttasa By three different routes or routes. Within the components of the complement system we have the C3 and C4, the first being the most important, but acting at the same time in the diagnosis of diseases that are related to the lack in one of these components or a decrease below their values Normal, for the analysis of glomerulonephritis, congenital deficiencies and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) among the relevant ones. In this bibliographic work, we investigated the technique of immunoturbidimetry, which is based on the measurement of the decrease in light intensity, produced by the diffraction of immunocomplexes, which when precipitated allows us to quantify antigens, antibodies and Complement serum proteins. The knowledge of this technique allows us to recommend in the classification of proteins of the complement system C3 and C4, in addition to their ranges of normality, all this leads to the reduction of the time of quantitative determination, in addition to its sensitivity and automation to the Length of the process thus reducing the cost of the analysis.
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