ASTRI SST-2M Data Handling and Archiving System

The ASTRI project is the INAF (Italian National Institute for Astrophysics) flagship project devel- oped in the context of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) international project. ASTRI is dedicated to the re- alization of the prototype of a Cherenkov small-size dual-mirror telescope (SST-2M) and then to the realization of a mini-array composed of a few of these units. The prototype and all the necessary hardware devices are fore- seen to be installed at the Serra La Nave Observing Station (Catania, Italy) in 2014. The upcoming data flow will be properly reduced by dedicated (online and offline) analys is pipelines aimed at providing robust and reliable scientific results (signal detection, sky maps, spectra and light curves) from the ASTRI silicon photo-multipliers camera raw data. Furthermore, a flexible archiving system ha s being conceived for the storage of all the acquired ASTRI (scientific, calibration, housekeeping) data at diff erent steps of the data reduction up to the final scientific products. In this contribution we present the data acquisit ion, the analysis pipeline and the archive architecture that will be in use for the ASTRI SST prototype. In addition, the generalization of the data management system to the case of a mini-array of ASTRI telescopes will be discussed.
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