COVID-19 persistente en madre e hija sin diagnóstico de COVID-19 mediante técnicas convencionales iniciales

espanolSe expone el caso de una mujer joven, sin patologia previa de interes, que presento en el mes de abril clinica compatible de infeccion por SARS-CoV-2. En su momento no se establecio el diagnostico etiologico por negatividad de las pruebas, pero el cuadro se siguio de una sintomatologia fluctuante, multisistemica, de meses de duracion, que le llevaron a consultar a diferentes especialidades en el hospital, junto con empleo de tratamientos con escasa efectividad, hasta llegar finalmente al diagnostico de COVID-19 persistente, coincidiendo con la afectacion de su hija por la misma sintomatologia. EnglishA case is presented of a young woman, without previous conditions of interest, who presented symptoms consistent with an infection by SARS-CoV-2 in the month of April. The etiological diagnosis was not established at the time due to the negativity of the tests, but the clinical picture was followed by fluctuating, multisystemic symptoms, having months of duration, which led her to consult different specialties in the hospital, together with the use of treatments having limited effectiveness, until the diagnosis of persistent COVID-19 was finally reached, coinciding with the disease of her daughter with the same symptoms.
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