Tekrarlayan Spontan Düşükleri Olan Çiftlerde Y Kromozomu Sentromerik İndeksi

SUMMARY THE CENTROMERIC INDEX OF Y CHROMOSOME IN COUPLES WITH RECURRENT SPONTANEOUS ABORTION Centromeric index Y chromosome has been determined in 25 male partners of couples without history of abortion and 25 male partners of couples giving history of abortion with unknown etiology. While the ma en values of centromeric index of Y chromosome for the control group were 27.2111.85 those for the .spontaneous abortion group were found to be 22.2312.61. This difference between those two groups had a statistical importance (p <0.05). In contrast to the longer Yq of male individuals of the spontaneous abortion group the centromeric index was lower. As a result, it has been concluded that the sexual partners of males with Yq+ are under greater risk for spontaneous abortion. Our findings, suggest that the increase in the long arm of Y chromosome could be an important cytogenetic factor in the genesis of repeated spontaneous abortion. OZET Kadin eslerde dusuge neden olabilecek faktorlerin saptanmadigi, tekrarlayan spontan dusuk oykusu olan 25 ciftin erkeklerinde ve dusuk oykusu olmayan saglikli 25 ciftin erkeklerinde kromozom analizi yapilip Y kromozomuna ait sentromerik indeks saptandi. Kontrol grubu icin ortalama degerler 27.21 + L.85 iken, denek grubu icin bunlar 22„32+2.61 olarak bulundu. Iki grup arasindaki bu fark istatistiksel olarak onemli idi (p< 0.05). Kontrol grubu¬nu olusturan olgulara kiyasla spontan dusuk oykusu olan gruptaki erkek bireylerin Y kromozomunun uzun kolunun daha uzun (Yq+) olmasina karsin, olculen sentromerik indeksin daha dusuk oldugu gozlendi. Sonuc olarak, Yq+ olan erkeklerin eslerinde dusuk riskinin fazla oldugu kanisina varilmistir. Bulgularimiz, Yq polimorfizminin dusuk gelisiminde onemli bir sitogenetik neden olabilecegini dusundurmektedir.
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