A comparison of characteristic parameters of mining related and tectonic seismic aftershock sequences

Abstract The temporal decay pattern of seismicity following rock bursts and large magnitude events is studied for aftershock sequences in several mines in Ontario, Canada. The decay phenomenon is described by the so – called Modified Omori’s law. The dependency of the parameters K, c and p with the magnitude of large mine seismic events is analyzed. A total of eleven mining related seismic sequences, with mainshock magnitudes ranging from 0.5 to 4.0 Mn (Nuttli magnitude scale) and from four different mine environments are examined. Results, including the calculation of the Gutenberg - Richter’s and Reasenberg – Jones parameters b and a’, are compared with previous research in tectonic seismicity using available data from New Zealand, Italy and U.S.A. Further parameters were derived and applied in a correlation study of mining related and tectonic events. The study revealed a good correlation between the productivity parameter a’ and b – values. Particularly, the b – values show significant different number ranges for mining related and tectonic data, which was applied to derive a direct numerical relationship between mining related and tectonic parameters and the aftershock number estimation. Finally, numerical values for the b – values in mining related seismic activity were obtained.
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