Planets around the evolved stars 24 Boötis and γ Libra: A 30 d-period planet and a double giant-planet system in possible 7:3 MMR

We report the detection of planets around two evolved giant stars from radial velocity measurements at Okayama Astrophysical observatory. 24 Boo (G3IV) has a mass of $0.99\,M_{\odot}$, a radius of $10.64\,R_{\odot}$, and a metallicity of ${\rm [Fe/H]}=-0.77$. The star hosts one planet with a minimum mass of $0.91\,M_{\rm Jup}$ and an orbital period of $30.35{\rm d}$. The planet has one of the shortest orbital periods among those ever found around evolved stars by radial-veloocity methods. The stellar radial velocities show additional periodicity with $150{\rm d}$, which are probably attributed to stellar activity. The star is one of the lowest-metallicity stars orbited by planets currently known. $\gamma$ Lib (K0III) is also a metal-poor giant with a mass of $1.47\,M_{\odot}$, a radius of $11.1\,R_{\odot}$, and ${\rm [Fe/H]}=-0.30$. The star hosts two planets with minimum masses of $1.02M_{\rm Jup}$ and $4.58\,M_{\rm Jup}$, and periods of $415{\rm d}$ and $964{\rm d}$, respectively. The star has the second lowest metallicity among the giant stars hosting more than two planets. Dynamical stability analysis for the $\gamma$ Lib system sets a minimum orbital inclination angle to be about $70^{\circ}$ and suggests that the planets are in 7:3 mean-motion resonance, though the current best-fitted orbits to the radial-velocity data are not totally regular.
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