Assessment of lung functions in patients of pulmonary tuberculosis(PTB) after completion of their anti-tubercular medicationGaurav Gupta, A.S Chitnis

Background: Treated PTB cases have abnormal lung functions but there are less literature available from developing countries and its correlation with age, sex and radiological abnormalities Aim: Evaluation of spirometry in cured PTB patients and its association with radiological abnormalities and duration after being cured. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of 75 PTB treated patients (47 males, 28 females) who underwent clinico-radiological evaluation, and spirometry[FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC ratio]. The patients were further classified into 3 groups according to recent guidelines(ATS/ERS joint statement) i.e mixed, obstructive and restrictive defect Results: Abnormal PFT was seen in 92% (69/75cases). Mixed pattern was seen in 36%, restrictive defect in 34.7% while obstruction was seen in 21.3% cases. Restrictive abnormality was more commonly seen in females (P=0.030) and old age (P=0.000006) while obstruction in males and young population. Statistically significant direct association of pulmonary impairment was seen with radiological changes (P Conclusion: Significant number of past PTB patients are found to have marked impairment of lung function and dyspnoea which is in direct correlation with radiological abnormalities and post treatment duration irrespective of age. Hence treatment completed PTB patients also need continued follow up and pulmonary function assessment to limit disability and improve quality of life in form of pulmonary rehabilitation. Specific guidelines needs to be formulated to reduce disability in PTB treated patients.
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