Year 2000 Status of the Army Total Asset Visibility System

Abstract : This report is one in a series being issued by the Inspector General, DoD, in accordance with an informal partnership with the Chief Information Officer, DoD, to monitor DoD efforts to address the year 2000 computing challenge. For a listing of audit projects addressing the issue, see the year 2000 webpage on the iGnet at http : //www . ignet . gov. The National Defense Authorization Act for 1999 requires "the DoD Inspector General to selectively audit information technology and national security systems certified as year 2000 compliant to evaluate the ability of systems to successfully operate during the actual year 2000 to include their ability to access and transmit information from point of origin to point of termination." The Army Total Asset Visibility is a mission-critical Army system that provides managers and decisionmakers at various echelons and within various user communities with a single authoritative source of asset and force information. The overall audit objective was to evaluate the ability of the Army Total Asset Visibility system to operate successfully in the year 2000, including the system's ability to access and transmit information from point of origin to point of termmation. Additionally, the audit determined whether an adequate contingency plan existed to ensure continuity of operations and whether the system status reporting has been accurate.
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