The development of verbal communication in aphasic patients treated by neuropsychological therapy

OBJECTIVE: Based on the theories dealing with reorganization of the functional system, which are usually the basis of the treatment of aphasology, this paper has as its objective to analyse the evolution of the ability to communicate in a series of 43 right-handed persons with aphasia due to a cerebro-vascular accident of the left hemisphere, who attended sessions of neuropsychological treatment. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The patients were grouped according to the type of aphasia initially diagnosed: global (G), Broca (B), conduction (C), anomia (A), transcortical motor (MT) and Wernicke (W). The output before and after treatment was evaluated using a scale from 0-6 points to grade the capacity of communication (comprehension-expression). In each group the 't' test was done to compare the average scores, initially and finally, both of comprehension and of expression. RESULTS: The results showed that group A had the most favourable course both of comprehension and of expression. Of the patients with a predominantly expression disorder, the best recovery was seen in groups C and MT. In group B verbal expression followed a very varied course. Those of G and W improved significantly, but great difficulty in communication persisted. Comparing expression in these two groups, those of W showed significantly more improvement than those of G, who showed very little improvement.
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