Virtual CT-3D simulation using EXOMIO: with special reference to prostate cancer

The paper describes a new CT based 3D virtual simulator system called EXOMIO that has been developed at the Institut fur Graphische Datenverarbeitung [Fraunhofer IGD] in collaboration with the Department of Radiation Oncology of the Klinikum Offenbach. The system is based on low cost and widely available hardware [PC]: unlike the other commercially available systems that depend on expensive workstations. It provides high quality and high performance visualisation tools. It can be connected via a network to any DICOM supporting CT or MR scanner and via DICOM-RT supplements it enables support for a treatment planning system and for a verification system for linear accelerators. Finally, a prostate cancer case history is given as an example of a clinical application of EXOMIO. Symulacja wirtualna z zastosowaniem systemu EXOMIO – przydatnoEc u chorych z nowotworami gruczo∏u krokowego W pracy przedstawiono nowy system symulacji, oparty na obrazach tomografii komputerowej. System ten, zwany EXOMIO, zosta∏ opracowany w Institut fur Graphische Datenverarbeitung [Fraunhofer IGD] we wspo∏pracy z Zak∏adem Radioterapii
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