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Eπάvω Mark xiv 5

έπάvω occurs only in the Gospel, and it can be seen from the use of Πλeιου at xii 43 that other expressions were available for the evangelist to convey this meaning. The linguistic and textual evidence taken together would render the word suspect; no reason can be derived from it to explain the tradition. A like depreciation of currency took place in the first and second centuries of our era. During this period the standard of living remained constant, but while under Augustus the legionary was paid 150 denarii a year, under Tiberius this became 225 denarii; under Domitian 300 denarii, under Commodus 375, under Severus 500, and under Caracalla 750 denarii. There was a certain debasement of coinage too, and the denarius which under Nero contained 93 per cent of silver, under Commodus contained only 71 per cent.Keywords: seπάvω; Augustus; Gospel; Mark Xiv 5; textual evidence
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