Friagem Event in Central Amazon and its Influence on Micrometeorological Variables and Atmospheric Chemistry

Abstract. In the period between July 9th and 11th, 2014 a Friagem event reached the central Amazon region causing significant changes in microclimate and atmospheric chemistry. On July 11th, the southwest flow related to the Friagem converged with the easterly winds in the central Amazon region. The interaction between these two distinct air masses formed a convection band, which intensified over the Manaus region and the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO) site. The satellite images show the evolution of convective activity on July 11th, which lead to 21 mm of precipitation in the ATTO site. Moreover, the arrival of the Friagem caused a sudden drop in temperature and a predominance of southerly winds, which could be seen in Porto Velho between July 7th and 8th and in Manaus and ATTO site from July 9th to 11th. The results of ERA reanalysis and Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (BRAMS) simulations show that this Friagem event coming from the southwest, carries a mass of air with higher O3 and NO2 mixing ratios and lower CO mixing ratio compared to the air masses present at the central Amazon. At lake Balbina the Friagem intensifies the local circulations, such as the breeze phenomena. At the Manaus region and ATTO site, the main effects of the Friagem event are: a decrease in the incoming solar radiation (due to intense cloud formation), a large temperature drop and a distinct change in surface O3 and CO2 mixing ratios. As the cold air of the Friagem was just in the lower 500 m the most probable cause of this change is that a cold pool above the forest prevented vertical mixing causing accumulation of CO2 from respiration and very low O3 mixing ratio due to photochemistry reduction and limited mixing within the boundary layer.
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