La végétation dunaire du littoral de Jijel (Algérie) : proposition d’une nouvelle Zone Importante pour les Plantes

The vegetation of coastal dunes of Jijel (Algeria): proposal for a new Important Plant Area.— Coastal dunes of Jijel are extended between two Important Plant Areas (IAPs), enclaving a Ramsar site. This ecosystem is fragile, very coveted by the public, and houses characteristic plant groups and species of great heritage value. Three sites have been selected for the study of vegetation using the phytosociological releve method. The floristic analysis allows compiling a list of 235 species and describing the diverse plant communities on dunes. Biogeographical analysis allows estimating at 68.3 % the Mediterranean originality of flora, and at only 2.5 % the endemism. The dunes of Jijel show a high plant richness fitting with IPA classification criteria. Some plants are new to Jijel area, and many are becoming increasingly rare and are at risk with extinction. Others require a review of their distribution and abundance
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