A fronteira entre a comunidade e a unidade de conservação mastigada pela formiga-onça

Neste artigo apresentamos um professor de artes acompanhado de seis criancas da periferia de Macae/RJ a procura dos animais do Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba para serem desenhados numa prancheta de papel. As imagens fazem parte do registro de campo do Curso de Cinema Ambiental da UFRJ Macae, conduzido no ano de 2013. Para construcao do filme, fruto do curso, foi utilizado como referencial teorico as ideias de dialogo do pensador Paulo Freire. Ao seguirmos uma formiga na paisagem da restinga, diluimos as fronteiras entre a natureza e sociedade, conforme indica a teoria ator-rede. Com este registro visual pretendemos mostrar que as dicotomias criadas pelas ideias da ciencia positivista sao mais imaginarias do que real. Palavras-Chave: Cinema. Educacao ambiental. Teoria ator-rede. Dialogo. Formiga. The boundary between the community and the conservation unit chewed by the ant-ounce Abstract In this article we present a teacher of arts, accompanied by six children from the suburbs of Macae/RJ in search of the animals of Restinga de Jurubatiba National Park to be drawn on a paper clipboard. The images are part of the field record of the UFRJ Macae Environmental Film Course, conducted in 2013. For the construction of the film, as a result of the course, the ideas of dialogue of the thinker Paulo Freire were used as a theoretical reference. As we follow an ant in the restinga landscape, we dilute the boundaries between nature and society, as the actor-network theory indicates. With this visual record we are interested in showing that the dichotomies created by the ideas of positivist science are more imaginary than real. Keywords: Cinema. Environmental education. Actor-network theory. Dialogue. Ant.
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