Metagenomics-based insights into the microbial community profiling and flavor development potentiality of baijiu Daqu and huangjiu wheat Qu

Abstract Daqu and wheat Qu are saccharification and fermenting agents in Chinese huangjiu and baijiu production. This study aimed to investigate the difference between Daqu and wheat Qu in physicochemical indices, microbial communities, functional genes, and the metabolic network of key microbes responsible for flavor synthesis by whole-metagenome sequencing and metabolite analysis. Herein, physicochemical indices indicated that compared with wheat Qu, Daqu exhibited higher protease and cellulase activity and acidity, and lower glucoamylase and amylase enzyme activity. Metagenomic sequencing reveals that although Daqu and wheat Qu community composition have significant differences at species level, they have similar functional genes. Daqu were enriched in Pediococcus pentosaceus, Weissella paramesenteroides, Rasamsonia emersonii and Byssochlamys spectabilis (22.48% of the total abundance), while wheat Qu harbored greater abundances of Saccharopolyspora (54.78%, Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula, Saccharopolyspora shandongensis, Saccharopolyspora hirsuta, Saccharopolyspora spinose, and Saccharopolyspora erythraea). From a functional perspective, the important functions of Daqu and wheat Qu are both amino acid metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism. Meanwhile, a combined analysis among microbiota, functional genes, and dominant flavors indicated S. shandongensis, S. rectivirgula, and S. spinose might be the main contributor to the synthesis of flavor compounds in wheat Qu, while R. emersonii, W. paramesenteroides, Leuconostoc citreum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Weissella cibaria and P. pentosaceus may make the greatest contribution to flavor compounds synthesis in Daqu. This study reveals the microbial and functional dissimilarities of Daqu and wheat Qu, and helps elucidating different metabolic roles of microbes during flavor formation.
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