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SUMMARY – Brain tumors are a common cause of epilepsy. Tumor type and location are determining factors that signifi cantly infl uence seizure frequency. Th e aim of this study was to analyze clinical data of patients diagnosed with brain tumors and epilepsy. Data for this study were obtained from patient medical records over a 6-year period (2000-2005). Patient history and fi ndings obtained by diagnostic methods such as electroencephalography, computerized tomography and magnetic resonance were analyzed. Data were analyzed by appropriate statistical methods and the structure, prevalence, mean and standard deviation were calculated. Th e signifi cance of results was tested by use of t-test and χ 2 -test. A total of 15 933 patient charts were analyzed. Out of 15 933 patients, 10.8% were diagnosed with epilepsy and 175 (1.09%) patients had brain tumor, 75 (42.86%) of which were signifi cantly associated with epilepsy (P>0.05). Almost forty-three percent (42.86%) of tumors were epileptogenic, with no signifi cant sex diff erence (confi dence level of 95%). Fifty-seven (32.5%) brain tumor patients were aged 51-60. Th e mean age of all patients with brain tumors was 41.6 years. Focal sensorimotor seizures were dominant in 40 (53.3%) cases. Among epilepsy cases with known etiology, 75 (6.8%) patients had epileptogenic tumors. Types of seizures in patients with epilepsy were diff erent from seizures provoked by brain tumors. Th e most common tumor site was temporal region (43.4%). Th ere was no signifi cant diff erence according to epileptogenesis. Focal sensorimotor seizures were common in patients with frontal and parietal region tumors.
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